Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Remember Moments with Scrapaholics Chipboard.......


 Hi Crafty Friends!!, Today I want to show you a new design for Scrapaholics Chipboard, for this design I used beautiful chipboard elements Flourish Set no.10 and Sprig Set no.1.

I edited the Chipboard Elements and de resins with black paint and a layer of Finnabair Metallique Wax "Bronze Age" 

For my designpaper I choose the collection "The Past" from ABstudio.

    This layout actually only consists of different tags that are provided with text strips, frames or washi tape.The flowers come from the 49andMarket collection and are beautifully equipped with stamens that have a brownish metallique appearance. These stamens come very close to the processed chipboard elements.


I hope that my design has given you an idea of ​​what you can do with amazing products from Scrapaholics Chipboard, and that you can match these chipboard elements/mini albums and design paper with almost all manufacturers.

 Thanks for watching, take care and I hope to see you next time.


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